Please, indicate how much do you agree with the following investment attitudes. This will help us select the portfolio structure best suited to your profile.
1. You wish the maximum possible return regardless of the risk, and you recognize your portfolio may incur larger losses which may never be recovered.
2. You invest for higher returns and accept higher risk with the goal of enhancing retirement savings.
3. You prefer an investment strategy designed to grow steadily, avoiding sharp ups and downs, even if it lowers long term returns.
4. You prefer investments with moderate risk and more consistent returns — you do not wish to incur losses that will take many years to recover.
5. Protecting your money is a higher priority than making it grow.
6. You will assume only the amount of investment risk necessary to outpace the rate of inflation.
7. If there was such a thing as a guaranteed investment, you would put all your money into it, even if returns were lower than the rate of inflation.
8. You don’t think you will need to spend any of your principal before the end of your planning horizon.
9. Your planning horizon for investments.
10. Your investments represents the following percentage of your total savings and other investment assets such as real estate.